



Boat Livery (Rentals)

Walk-ins by appointment only.

Boat Liveries
Utah has specific requirements for those who rent boats to other people.

Official Definition

The Utah Boating Act defines a “Boat Livery” as an “entity which holds any vessel for renting, leasing, or chartering.”  Individuals, non-profits, businesses, and educational institutions, who provide boat rental service need to adhere to Utah’s requirements for boat liveries no matter the vessel type.

Permission is needed from the manager of the body of water where you want to provide services. Any type of commercial activity within a federal, state park or recreation area including operating a boat rental “livery” or delivering equipment for visitors to use, requires written authorization

Utah Requirements for Boat Liveries:

 Registration: Boat liveries must be registered with the Division of State Parks and Recreation. Please fill out the Livery Application.

 Information: The boat livery must advise the lessee or renter of a vessel of all of the boating laws and rules which the lessee or renter must obey.

– Equipment: Display the boat livery name on the outside of the vessel.  The boat livery must equip a leased or rented vessel with the required safety equipment.

 – Agreement: A copy of the lease or rental agreement must be carried onboard the leased or rented vessel and must contain the following information:

 The vessel’s assigned bow number
 The period of time for which the vessel is leased or rented
 Vessel’s departure date and time
 TA check-off list of the required safety equipment on-board

– Records: The owner of a boat livery must keep a record of a lease or rental transaction for at least one year. The record must have the following information:

 Name and address of the person renting or leasing the vessel.
 Identification number of the vessel
 Vessel’s departure date and time
 The vessel’s expected time of return

– Insurance: The owner of a boat livery who rents personal watercraft and/or motorboats with engine >50 HP must provide its renters with primary coverage meeting the requirements of Title 73, Chapter 18c, Financial Responsibility of Motorboat Owners and Operators Act.  Proof of insurance, listing the identifying vessel information, must be carried onboard the rented vessel.

Need more information?
Please call us at 801-538-7361 or email

Check out these quick 1-min videos you can use to help your customers understand boating operation and safety.   


In the heat of the summer, you can lose up to 1 liter of water an hour through sweating and evaporation. Don’t forget to hydrate when out on the water!


General Questions
Phone: 801-538-BOAT

Commercial Boating Questions
Phone: 801-538-7361

1594 West North Temple, suite 100
Salt Lake City, UT 84116

Boat Livery (Rentals)

Walk-ins by appointment only.

Boat Liveries
Utah has specific requirements for those who rent boats to other people.

Official Definition

The Utah Boating Act defines a “Boat Livery” as an “entity which holds any vessel for renting, leasing, or chartering.”  Individuals, non-profits, businesses, and educational institutions, who provide boat rental service need to adhere to Utah’s requirements for boat liveries no matter the vessel type.

Permission is needed from the manager of the body of water where you want to provide services. Any type of commercial activity within a federal, state park or recreation area including operating a boat rental “livery” or delivering equipment for visitors to use, requires written authorization

Utah Requirements for Boat Liveries:

 Registration: Boat liveries must be registered with the Division of State Parks and Recreation. Please fill out the Livery Application.

 Information: The boat livery must advise the lessee or renter of a vessel of all of the boating laws and rules which the lessee or renter must obey.

– Equipment: Display the boat livery name on the outside of the vessel.  The boat livery must equip a leased or rented vessel with the required safety equipment.

 – Agreement: A copy of the lease or rental agreement must be carried onboard the leased or rented vessel and must contain the following information:

 The vessel’s assigned bow number
 The period of time for which the vessel is leased or rented
 Vessel’s departure date and time
 TA check-off list of the required safety equipment on-board

– Records: The owner of a boat livery must keep a record of a lease or rental transaction for at least one year. The record must have the following information:

 Name and address of the person renting or leasing the vessel.
 Identification number of the vessel
 Vessel’s departure date and time
 The vessel’s expected time of return

– Insurance: The owner of a boat livery who rents personal watercraft and/or motorboats with engine >50 HP must provide its renters with primary coverage meeting the requirements of Title 73, Chapter 18c, Financial Responsibility of Motorboat Owners and Operators Act.  Proof of insurance, listing the identifying vessel information, must be carried onboard the rented vessel.

Need more information?
Please call us at 801-538-7361 or email

Check out these quick 1-min videos you can use to help your customers understand boating operation and safety.   


In the heat of the summer, you can lose up to 1 liter of water an hour through sweating and evaporation. Don’t forget to hydrate when out on the water!


General Questions
Phone: 801-538-BOAT

Commercial Boating Questions
Phone: 801-538-7361

1594 West North Temple, suite 100
Salt Lake City, UT 84116

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